Phase one digital Camera (part II).

PhaseOne, Denmark, makes the prestigious PhaseOne large format scanning backs for 4x5 inch cameras. PhaseOne digital cameras are considered among the elite of the large format digital cameras.

Phase One

At the main photography trade show in America, the PMA (Photo Marketing Association), three of the top large format CCD scanning back digital cameras were tested. PhaseOne came out rather dark, slightly off color, and was judged last. BetterLight came out dramatically clear, crisp, color-perfect, and perfectly exposed . Thus BetterLight won the digital scan back "shoot out."

That's the PhaseOne result at the left; Better Light (the winner) at the far right. Actually BetterLight won two years in a row.

In other words, the Better Light was judged the best large format tudio camera, if you seek quality. Since PhaseOne is a reputable company that is known for its well made products, the results were rather a surprise. We have tried to obtain an evaluation unit of the PhaseOne camera, but it works only with FireWire; the Better Light works with traditional SCSI, so was easier to use in our studio.

Now we also have FireWire capability, so perhaps we might consider an evaluation unit. In the meantime, Calumet Digital Solutions sent the FLAAR. test studios the newest Better Light model Super 6000. Naturally we review what is available for our studios, so we are now working with the Better Light. This is the second Better Light model provided by Michael Collette. Earlier we tested a prototype of the outstanding Better Light turntable system for panorama and circumferential rollout photography.


Most recently updated July 4, 2005.
Previously updated Feb. 25, 2000.