Reviews on software, on desktop publishing, image management, web design and more.

Upcoming reviews of digital imaging, scanning, graphics, web design and related software for 1999 will begin to be posted by October. Several other software packages are under active review and preliminary results are already posted. We usually let the software run for about six months or longer so that we learn how it functions in real-life situations.

Software for desktop publishingDue to the amount of new equipment and software which has been sent to FLAAR. for testing and review we are backed up for months. This page indicates more or less the scope of what will be under review and the status of the various reviews which have already begun.

On a typical Monday recently ColorSynergy arrived at our German test center from Candela/Pictographics as well as three different kinds of SilverFast scanner software from LaserSoft Imaging (Kiel, Germany).

From September onward the tests will be in our office in America.

Scanner Software: Linotype Elite, FastSilver, Binuscan, MagicScan, ScanPrepPro, DeBalalizer (on and www.flatbed-scanner-review)

Page layout software: Adobe PageMill, Adobe InDesign

Masking software (complete list available)

Web design software: Adobe PageMill, Adobe GoLive, DreamWeaver

Software for preparing graphics for the Internet: Fireworks, Adobe Imageready, HVS ColorGIF, HVS Toolkit Pro)

Adobe Go LIveDVD-RAM burner software (Software Architects)

CD-R burner software (Toast for Mac)

Hard disk management: Norton Utilities, FWB Hard Disk ToolKit, TechTool Pro, MacTools.

Training CDs (and videos) from DigitalMedia, MacAcademy, or ViaGrafix.

Where to buy: Publishing Perfection (1 800 387-2164).


Design updated July 16, 2008.