Reviews of books, training manuals, and training CDs or videos is a useful service.
The goal of our web site is to assist new users into digital imaging, and to raise users into intermediate capabilities en route to being capable of professional quality digital work. Whether in desktop publishing, in-house publishing, graphics design studios, or a personal after-hours and weekend interest, digital imaging hardware and software can be intimidating.
Since it takes a few weeks between the time we decide which titles to feature and the moment that the publisher actually sends a review copy to us, it is more effective to list the upcoming titles now. This way you can go out and buy them right away. After all, we would not list them here if we had not already checked them out.

- Adobe GoLive 4.0, Classroom in a Book, Peachpit Press
- Adobe InDesign, Classroom in a Book with CD-ROM, Peachpit Press
- Real World Scanning and Halftones, 2nd Edition, by David Blatner, Glenn Fleishman and Steve Roth, Peachpit Press
- Real World Adobe GoLive 4 by Jeff Carlson, Glenn Fleishman
- Understanding Desktop Color, Second Edition, by Michael Kieran
- DeBabelizer for Windows and Macintosh: Visual QuickStart Guide, by Nolan Hester
- Fireworks 2 for Windows and Macintosh:Visual QuickStart Guide, by Sandee Cohen
- The Photographer's Digital Studio, by Joe Farace
- QuickTime Pro 4 for Macintosh and Windows: Visual QuickStart Guide, by Judith Stern and Robert Lettieri Real World Digital Photography, by Deke McClelland and Katrin Eisman
- Photoshop 5 for Windows Bible, by Deke McClelland, IDG Books Worldwide
- Adobe InDesign (For Dummies), by McClelland, Deke McClelland.
Design updated June 9, 2008.
Updated Feb. 23, 1999, last udated Aug. 5, 2001.