Links to recommended magazines for popular photography, professional photography, digital photography, digital graphics, digital printing, electronic printing, desktop publishing, in-house publishing, reprographics, prepress. Trade press, trade magazines, book reviews of after market software manuals, how-to books, computer books, and training videos.
- Agfa Direct, books and booklets on digital imaging, scanning, prepress, color management
- Agfa, gateway to book reviews of Agfa booklets on prepress, guide to digital photography
- Mac Upgrade Bible, IDG Books
- Peachpit Press, leading publisher of the best books on digital imaging, the Internet, etc
- Upcoming book reviews on large format photography
- Upcoming book reviews on digital imaging software
- Weyerhaeuser Paper booklet on selecting paper
- magazines, comprehensive list of photography and digital imaging magazines
- book reviews gateway (
- Adobe Photoshop for Photographers, Focal Press
- Focal Press, Photoshop, chapters 1 through 4
- Focal Press, Photoshop, chapters 5 through 7
- Focal Press, Photoshop, chapters 8 and 9
- Focal Press, Photoshop, chapters 10, 12, 14, the rest of the book
- Adobe InDesign
- Dan Margulis, Photoshop 5
- Inside Adobe Photoshop 5, New Riders
- Mac Upgrade and Repair Bible (highly recommended)
- Official Kodak Photo CD Handbook (highly recommended)
- Start with a Scan, Peachpit Press
- Chapter by chapter comments on "Start with a Scan"
Updated Feb. 23, 1999.
Last udated Aug. 5, 2001 Design updated April 9, 2001.