MegaVision B&W digital camera backs are available in 6, 11, 16, and now 39 megapixels.Why not other CCD sizes for B/W photography? It is not easy to obtain a CCD with no Bayer Pattern. The CCD manufactures prefer to make them all one way only (with a Bayer Pattern filter applied). Plus museums tend to prefer the maximum size that is available. The E Series MonoChrome are the most unique B&W digital capture device in the world.The days that it was possible to evaluate the 16 megapixel version MegaVision black and white digital camera back revealed that it was unique in every respect. With no RGB channels, so you can’t really manipulate these files in Adobe Photoshop in any normal way. But you can learn much more by speaking with Richard Chang in California, at MegaVision; e-mail or speak with him directly. Mega-vision (with a hyphen) is their web site name. He knows conventional film as well as digital photography inside out. Why shoot B&W directly if you can continue converting color photographs to black-and-white in Adobe Photoshop?To get rid of the issues caused by low-pass filters, anti-moire filters, and Bayer Pattern filter, the CCD used by MegaVision provides true RAW capture (more RAW than anything you have experienced before)! You will never, ever arrive at this clean a shot using a conventional color image and converting it in Adobe Photoshop. Color images have all the imperfections that result from being shot through so many filters. Each filter debilitates the image in order to impart the crucial aspect that a digital color photograph requires. Remember, a CCD sensor is color blind. B&W digital landscape photographyI would be curious to try this kind of a back on a sliding back adapter, to do wide-angle landscape photography in pure black-and-white. B&W digital architectural photographyThese special black and white digital cameras are made for industrial purposes, especially museum analysis of art. Although my degree is in art history, my primarily interest would be for doing black and white architectural photography and black and white fine art photography. Quad black black-and-white digital photography printingFLAAR is currently evaluating the HP Z3100ps GP Photo printer to see how it handles grayscale conversion and printing. In the past we had a quad black printer (a 12-ink ColorSpan). But nowadays the standard grayscale printers are the Epson 4880, Epson 7880, etc, or occasionally the 12-ink Canon such as Canon iPF 5100, Canon iPF 6100, Canon iPF 8100, Canon iPF 9100. First posted Feb 15, 2008
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