Sola/Hevi-Duty MCR portable power line conditioning surge protecticion equipment reviewsTri-linear scanning equipment, whether flatbed scanners (Kodak, CreoScitex Eversmart, Dainippon Screen Picasso, Umax, Microtec or Epson) or digital cameras (BetterLight, Kigamo, Anagramm, Phase One) all benefit from having a power line conditioner equipment.
If an elevator motor, any pump, even a laser printer, is turned on anywhere in your building, this results in a minute dip in the lights in your studio. This diminution may not be visible to your eyes, but the sensor in most tri-linear scanners or digital cameras notices the change in power and puts a dark gray line across your image. FLAAR has had Sola/Hevi-Duty MCR portable power line conditioners on duty for about ten years and not one has failed so far. The 1000-watt portable MCR Sola/Hevi-Duty units are the ones we use most often, though it would be nice also to have at least one 1500 watt and one 2000 watt MCR unit.
First posted May 20, 2008 |
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