Medium format digital backs or tri-linear scanning backs for large format cameras allow you much more flexibility.Here Nicholas is photographing inside a restored Spanish colonial Jesuit church building in Antigua Guatemala. Cambo Ultima 4x5 camera courtesy of Calumet; digital back courtesy of BetterLight. The wooden doorway is part of the elegant facade of a private villa.
Comments on Nicholas Hellmuth's Digital Photography Course "Your course on digital photography surpassed all expectations. It was very beneficial and included outstanding study sheets and the additional effort you put in at the tradeshows is greatly appreciated. The book and internet sources that you suggest worked out great for learning more about Photoshop and workflow, as well as general photography techniques. The information that you included integrating large format printing was an additional bonus. I have heard of no other course which covers the content that you and Michelle had put together." (from an e-mail to Nicholas and teaching assistant Michelle Price, from Robert Burmaster)
Samples from Nicholas Hellmuth's on digital photography