Book Reviews on digital photography books.

Book reviews of books on Adobe Photoshop Version 6 Nicholas Hellmuth reviews the top books on Adobe Photoshop. Some of these titles are excellent. Other titles: save your money and instead buy the better titles.

All the books, good and bad and in between, are reviewed in reports which are now part of the FLAAR course on digital photography.

Reviews of crucial books on digital photography. Its amazing how much outdated stuff is still being sold. Yet other books are up to the minute and worthy of your consideration. To be able to tell the difference, so you can figure out which books to buy, you need Nicholas Hellmuth's book reviews on digital photography. This report is one of dozens which participants in FLAAR programs receive.

How to become a participant? Either sign up for a course or hire Dr Hellmuth for a consulting session. This way you get all his reports, plus the author himself to answer all your questions.

Reviews of books on general photography (on large format, on medium format, on lighting, on studio equipment, lenses, and everything having to do with professional photography. All FLAAR reports are also useful for serious beginners and pro-sumers who wish to get their photography to museum exhibit quality.

Download all the title pages of the entire series of FLAAR reports on digital cameras and digital imaging.

Download syllabus for course available via Internet so you can learn digital photography anywhere in the world via contact with Nicholas Hellmuth.

If you prefer to take this course at Francisco Marroquin University, Nicholas Hellmuth teaches the same course at introductory level (in Spanish) or intermediate level (in English) during the summer.


Most recently updated July 19, 2002.
Previous updates Dec 6, 2001.