Cruse reprographic scanner (copy stand digital camera system).What kind of reprographic stand digital camera scanner system is best for a museum, university, library or fine art giclee studio?
Now the scanner is being used by the graduate students of the art department. The Cruse equipment is easy enough to use that the students can handle it. Of course this kind of reprographic stand is also ideal for fine art giclee digitizing of paintings, for photo studios, in-house corporate use, for pre-press shops. Actually a major use is by companies which design wallpaper. They need to photograph wood grain and other surfaces and textures. The Cruse is perfect to satisfy these needs. Indeed Cruse makes a special new model for the wallpaper design, wood veneer design industry. We are doing a Flash animation on another of our web sites. Since the university tore down the building two years ago that FLAAR used as an evaluation facility for six years, we are in the process of establishing a new evaluation facility. In the meantime I inspect the new models of Cruse reprographic system digital camera scanners at Photokina 2008 in Cologne, DRUPA 2008 in Duesseldorf, at FESPA Digital 08 in Geneva, and at VISCOM Italy ’08 in Milano. Since we don't buy or sell scanners, if you seek information on those aspects of this equipment, please contact Mike Lind, (managing director of USA office of Cruse GmbH of Germany). If you need more information, on cruse scanners please visit
Most recently updated after Photokina 2008. |