Instruction in nature photography with digital cameras available from Nicholas Hellmuth, FLAAR.

You do not have to trek out in the wilderness or even visit a botanical garden. All the flowers here were outside our office. The purpose is to show that beauty is in the eye of the beholder; use your eye as a camera lens to judge which aspects of nature will result in a good photograph.

Thus this course teaches the philosophy of how to turn your "wooden eye" into an "artistic eye" to turn an ordinary flower into a work of art.

Nikon D100 Digital photography
Nikon D100 Photography nature
All photos Nikon D100, 28-105mm Nikkor zoom (not set to macro).
Since we took these photographs we have acquired better lenses, such as the 105mm and 200mm macro lenses, all Nikon brand.
Nikon D100 Samples

First posted July 15, 2003.